Affiliated to DGT,NCVT,Govt. of India,Accredited by Quality Council of India,Govt. of India & DIT Govt. of W.B.
(Operated & run by B.P.E.I., a training partner of NSDC, a charitable educational organization)
(An ISO 29990:2010 Certified ITI)
1.Introduction:All necessary guidance to be provided to the new comers to become familiar with the working of ITI system.
2.Introduction:Importance of survey or trade Job after completion of training. of safety. precautions related to the trade. of First aid.
6.Use and handalingof instrument:List of the instrument equipments to be used during training.
7.use and handalingof instrument:use of drawing instruments and equipments with care.
8.Details and folding procedure of drawing sheet:Method of fixing of drawing sheet on drawing board.
9.Details and folding procedure of drawing sheet:of drawing sheet Layout.
10.Details and folding procedure of drawing sheet:folding and unfolding of drawing sheet.
11.Details and folding procedure of drawing sheet:dimensions of drawing sheet.
12.Lettering:Details layout of lettering (Singie stroke).
13.Lettering:Details layout of lettering (Double stroke).
14.Lettering:Details layout of numbering (Single Stroke).
15.Lettering:Details layout of numbering (Double stroke).
16.Line dimension:Types of lines and dimensioning.
17.Fundamental concept of surveying:Introduction and principle of surveying.
18.Fundamental concept of surveying:types of surveying.
19.Fundamental concepts of surveying:use of surveying.
20.Fundamental concepts of surveying:application of surveying.
21.Fundamental concepts of verious types of figure:Construction of plain figures.
22.Fundamental concepts of verious types of figure:Construction of geometrical figures.
23.Fundamental concepts of verious types of figure:Construction of curves.
24.Fundamental concepts of verious types of figure:Construction of conics.
25.Scale:Knowledge of different types of scales.
26.Scale:determine of R.F scales.
27.Scale:uses of R.F scales.
28.Scale:Construction of plain scales.
29.Scale:Construction of diagonal scales.
30.Scale:Construction of vernier scales.
31.Projection:Different types of orthographic projection.
32.Projection:Different types isometric projection.
33.Projection:sectional view of orthographic projection.
34.Projection:sectional view isometric projection.
35.Projection:projection of point of an objects.
36.Projection:projection of line of an objects.
37.Projection:projection of plane of an objects.
38.Projection:projection of solid of an objects.
39.Projection:Section of solids.
40.Projection:Isometric projection of geometrical solids.
41.conventional signs & symbols:application of conventional signs & symbols.
42.conventional signs & symbols:use of conventional signs & symbols.
43.draw liner measurement instruments:Free hand sketch of liner measurement instruments.
44.chain survey:Details about chain surveying.
45.chain survey:precaution of chain surveying.
46.chain survey:tools used in chain survey.
47.chain survey:equipements used in chain survey.
48.chain survey:detail proceidure chain survey.
49.chain survey:error in chain survey.
50.chain survey:how Prepare a site plane.
51.chain survey:calculate the area of the plane.
52.chain survey:Basic terms used in compass survey.
53.chain survey:Instrument used.
54.chain survey:precaution of compass surveying.
55.chain survey:how setting up instruement.
56.chain survey:Measure true bearing of a line.
57.chain survey:Measure fore bearing of a line.
58.chain survey:Measure back bearing of a line.
59.chain survey:Calculation of included angle from bearing local attraction.
60.chain survey:Calculation of magnetic declination.
61.chain survey:Calculation of true bearing.
62.chain survey:Calculation of closing error.
63.chain survey:Adjustment of closing error.
64.AutoCAD:Introduction of Auto CAD.
65.AutoCAD:Use of AutoCAD.
66.AutoCAD:command use in AutoCAD.
67.plane table survey:principle of plane table survey.
68.plane table survey:merits of plane table survey.
69.plane table survey:demerits of plane table survey.
70.plane table survey:Instrument used in plane table survey.
71.plane table survey:orientation of plane table.
72.plane table survey:setting up the plane table by centering.
73.plane table survey:Plane table survey by radiation methods.
74.plane table survey:Plane table survey by intersection methods.
75.plane table survey:Plane table survey by resection methods.
76.plane table survey:Plane table survey by traversing methods.
77.plane table survey:make a site plan by using it.
78.plane table survey:precaution of compass surveying.
79.Theodolite survey:Introduction and principle of theodolite survey.
80.Theodolite survey:Types of theodolite survey.
81.Theodolite survey:Parts of theodolite survey.
82.Theodolite survey:Terms used in theodolite survey.
83.Theodolite survey:Temporary adjustment of Theodolite.
84.Theodolite survey:Angle measurement process.
85.Theodolite survey:Reading of angles, field book entry of measured angles.
86.Theodolite survey:Permanent adjustment of Theodolite.
87.Theodolite survey:Determination of height of inaccessible object by Theodolite.
88.Theodolite survey:Traversing (closed) using Theodolite.
89.Theodolite survey:Traversing (open) using Theodolite.
90.Theodolite survey:Measurement of horizontal angles of a line.
91.Theodolite survey:Measurement bearing of a line.
92.Theodolite survey:Computation of coordinates from the bearing, angle length.
93.Theodolite survey:Preparation of gales traverse table.
94.Theodolite survey:Computation of area and Determine omitted measurements.
95.Levelling:Introduction and principle of levelling.
96.Levelling:types of levelling.
97.Levelling:instrument use in levelling.
98.Levelling:terms used in levelling.
99.Levelling:Temporary adjustment.
100.Levelling:permanent adjustment.
101.Levelling:Different types of levelling.
102.Levelling:Entry of level book by reduced level calculation method.
103.Levelling:Curvature of bubble tube.
104.Levelling:refraction effect sensitivity of bubble tube.
105.Levelling:Common error and their.
106.Levelling:elimination of error.
107.Levelling:Degree of accuracy.
108.Levelling:Practice of simple levelling.
109.Levelling:Practice differential levelling (fly levelling).
110.Levelling:Practice reciprocal levelling.
111.Levelling:Equate reduction of level (rise fall method) comparison of method.
112.Levelling: Equate reduction of level (height of instrument method) comparison of method.
113.Levelling:Solve problems on reduction of level.
114.Levelling:how make a plan of an area by using levelling instrument.
115.Tacheometric survey:Introduction of tachometry survey.
116.Tacheometric survey:terms use in tachometry survey.
117.Tacheometric survey:use of tachometry survey.
118.Tacheometric survey:advantages and disadvantages of tachometry survey.
119.Tacheometric survey:Tachometric constants & its determination.
120.Tacheometric survey:Determination of horizontal and distances by tachometric method.
121.Tacheometric survey:Determination of vertical distances by tachometric method.
122.Tacheometric survey:Determination of stadia constants of a tachometer.
123.Tacheometric survey:precaution of Tacheometric surveying.
124.Auto cad:Prepare traverse drawing using Auto cad.
125.Auto cad:Prepare a simple building.
126.Auto cad:Drawing using Auto cad.
127.Levelling:Entry of level book by reduced level calculation method.
128.Levelling:Curvature of bubble tube.
129.Levelling:refraction effect sensitivity of bubble tube.
130.Levelling:Common error and their.
131.Levelling:elimination of error.
132.Levelling:Degree of accuracy.
133.Levelling:Practice of simple levelling.
134.Levelling:Practice differential levelling (fly levelling).
135.Levelling:Practice reciprocal levelling.
136.Levelling:Equate reduction of level (rise fall method) comparison of method.
137.Levelling:Equate reduction of level (rise fall method) comparison of method.
138.Levelling:Equate reduction of level (height of instrument method) comparison of method.
139.Levelling:Equate reduction of level (height of instrument method) comparison of method.
140.Levelling:Solve problems on reduction of level.
141.Levelling:Solve problems on reduction of level.
142.Levelling:how make a plan of an area by using levelling instrument.
143.Levelling:how make a plan of an area by using levelling instrument.
144.Tacheometric survey:Introduction of tachometry survey.
145.Tacheometric survey:terms use in tachometry survey.
146.Tacheometric survey:use of tachometry survey.
147.Tacheometric survey:advantages and disadvantages of tachometry survey.
148.Tacheometric survey:advantages and disadvantages of tachometry survey.
149.Tacheometric survey:Tachometric constants & its determination.
150.Tacheometric survey:Tachometric constants & its determination.
151.Tacheometric survey:Determination of horizontal and distances by tachometric method.
152.Tacheometric survey:Determination of vertical distances by tachometric method.
153.Tacheometric survey: Determination of stadia constants of a tachometer.
154.Tacheometric survey:precaution of Tacheometric surveying
155.Auto cad:Prepare traverse drawing using Auto cad.
156.Auto cad:Prepare traverse drawing using Auto cad.
157.Auto cad:Prepare traverse drawing using Auto cad.
158.Auto cad:Prepare traverse drawing using Auto cad.
159.Auto cad:Prepare a simple building.
160.Auto cad:Prepare a simple building.
161.Auto cad:Prepare a simple building.
162.Auto cad:Prepare a simple building.
163.Auto cad:Drawing using Auto cad.
164.Auto cad:Drawing using Auto cad.
165.Auto cad:Auto cad.
1.Unit, Fractions:Classification of Unit System.
2.Unit, Fractions:Fundamental and Derived Units F.P.S, C.G.S, M.K.S and SI Units.
3.Unit, Fractions:Measurement Units and Conversion.
4.Unit, Fractions:Factors, HCF, LCM and Problems.
5.Unit, Fractions:Fractions Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
6.Unit, Fractions:Decimal Fractions – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
7.Unit, Fractions:Solving Problems by using calculator.
8.Square Root: Ratio and Proportions, Percentage:Square and Square Root.
9.Square Root: Ratio and Proportions, Percentage:Simple problems using calculator.
10.Square Root: Ratio and Proportions, Percentage:Application of Pythagoras Theorem and related problems.
11.Square Root: Ratio and Proportions, Percentage:Ratio and Proportions.
12.Square Root: Ratio and Proportions, Percentage:Direct and Indirect proportion.
13.Square Root: Ratio and Proportions, Percentage:Percentage.
14.Square Root: Ratio and Proportions, Percentage:Changing percentage to decimal.
15.Material Science:Types of metals.
16.Material Science:Physical and Mechanical Properties of metals.
17.Material Science:Types of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
18.Material Science:Introduction of iron and cast iron.
19.Material Science:Difference between iron and steel, alloy steel and carbon steel.
20.Material Science:Properties and uses of rubber, timber and insulating materials.
21.Mass, Weight, Volume, and Density:Mass, volume, density, weight & specific gravity.
22.Mass, Weight, Volume, and Density:Related problems for mass, volume, density, weight & specific gravity.
23.Speed and Velocity, Work Power and Energy:Rest, motion, speed, velocity.
24.Speed and Velocity, Work Power and Energy:difference between speed and velocity.
25.Speed and Velocity, Work Power and Energy:acceleration and retardation.
26.Speed and Velocity, Work Power and Energy:Related problems on speed and velocity.
27.Speed and Velocity, Work Power and Energy:Potential energy, Kinetic Energy.
28.Speed and Velocity, Work Power and Energy:Potential energy, Kinetic Energy and related problems with related problems.
29.Speed and Velocity, Work Power and Energy:Work, power, energy, HP, IHP, BHP and efficiency.
30.Heat &Temperature and Pressure:Concept of heat and temperature, effects of heat, difference between heat and temperature.
31.Heat &Temperature and Pressure:Scales of temperature, Celsius, Farenhieght,Kelvin and Conversion between scales of temperature.
32.Heat &Temperature and Pressure:Temperature measuring instruments, types of thermometer, pyrometer.
33.Heat &Temperature and Pressure:Transmission of heat – Conduction, convection and radiation.
34.Heat &Temperature and Pressure:Co-efficient of linear expansion and related problems with assignments.
35.Heat &Temperature and Pressure:Problem of Heat loss and heat gain with assignments.
36.Heat &Temperature and Pressure:Thermal conductivity and insulators.
37.Heat &Temperature and Pressure:Boiling point and melting point of different metals and Nonmetals.
38.Heat &Temperature and Pressure:Concept of pressure and its units in different system.
39.Basic Electricity:Introduction and uses of electricity, molecule, atom, how electricity is produced.
40.Basic Electricity:electric current AC, DC and their comparison, voltage , resistance and their units.
41.Basic Electricity:Conductor, Insulator, types of connections- Series and Parallel.
42.Basic Electricity:Ohms Law, relation between VIR & related problems.
43.Basic Electricity:Electrical power, energy and their units, calculation with assignments.
44.Basic Electricity:Magnetic induction, self and mutual inductance and EMF generation.
45.Basic Electricity:Electrical Power, HP, Energy and units of electrical energy.
46.Mensuration:Area and perimeter of square, rectangle and parallelogram.
47.Mensuration:Area an Perimeter of Triangle.
48.Mensuration:Area and Perimeter of Circle, Semi-circle , circular ring, sector of circle, hexagon and ellipse.
49.Mensuration:Surface area and Volume of solids- cube, cuboids, cylinder, sphere and hollow cylinder.
50.Mensuration:Finding lateral surface area , total surface area and capacity in liters of hexagonal, conical and cylindrical shaped vessels.
51.Levers and Simple Machines:Simple machines, Effort and load, mechanical advantage, velocity ratio.
52.Levers and Simple Machines:efficiency of machine, relation between efficiency, velocity ratio and mechanical advantage.
53.Levers and Simple Machines:relation between efficiency, velocity ratio and mechanical advantage.
54.Levers and Simple Machines:Lever and its types.
55.Trigonometry:Measurement of Angle, Trigonometrical Ratios, Trigonometric Table.
56.Trigonometry:Trigonometry-Application in calculating height and distance (Simple Applications).
1.Behavioural Skills:Expectation Setting.
2.Behavioural Skills:Personal Strength Analysis/Strength Blindness.
3.Behavioural Skills:Display Professionalism at the institute and work place.
4.Behavioural Skills:Increased social initiations relationships and networks Acceptance of peers from different cultures and social groups and work with them.
5.Behavioural Skills:Collaboration with team to prioritize the common goal and compromise individual priorities.
6.Behavioural Skills:Characteristic of a responsible citizen- Display the same by respecting self, others, environment, care for duty and value for time.
7.Behavioural Skills:Adopting best practices and aspire to follow success stories of individual for personal development.
8.English Literacy:Functional English.
9.English Literacy:Importance of Learning English Different Naming words, Words used for replacing names, Action words, Describing people, place and their use.
10.English Literacy:Simple present, past; present, past progressive Construction of simple sentences – Kinds of sentences.
11.English Literacy:Introduction to punctuation – Comma, Full stop, Question mark. Singular plural Change of tense.
12.English Literacy:Usage of appropriate words to express themselves Greetings & Self Introduction Asking &responding to questions Sharing information with others Formal & Informal communication.
13.English Literacy:Speak and provide information about workplace Discussions on current happenings.
14.English Literacy:Reading simple sentences about: a) Self b) Work c) Environment.
15.English Literacy:Simple writing skills.
16.Communication Skills:Self- Introduction.
17.Communication Skills:Perception Management.
18.Communication Skills:a. Verbal Communication.
19.Communication Skills:b. Non-Verbal Communication.
20.Communication Skills:Campus to Work.
21.I.T. Literacy:Basics of Computers.
22.I.T. Literacy:Operating System.
23.I.T. Literacy:MS-Word , MS-Excel.
24.I.T. Literacy:Web browsers & Search Engines.
25.I.T. Literacy:Email,Mobile application.
26.Entrepreneurship Skills:Need of becoming entrepreneur.
27.Entrepreneurship Skills:Ways to become a good entrepreneur.
28.Entrepreneurship Skills:Enabling environment available to become an entrepreneur.
29.Entrepreneurship Skills:Different Govt. institutions/schemes promoting Entrepreneur viz., Gramin banks, PMMY-MUDRA loans, DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO.
30.Entrepreneurship Skills:Ways to set up an enterprise and different aspects involved viz., legal compliances, Marketing aspect, Budgeting, etc.
31.Entrepreneurship Skills:Day to day monitoring mechanism for Maintaining an enterprise.
32.Entrepreneurship Skills:Different Government schemes supporting entrepreneurship.
33.Entrepreneurship Skills:Examples of successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs.
34.Maintaining Efficiency:Factors affecting productivity,Improving Productivity.
35.Maintaining Efficiency:Personal finance literacy Planning, Saving, Tax, Govt.
36.Maintaining Efficiency:schemes for financial safety e.g. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), etc.
37.Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education Duration:Safety and Health,Occupational Hazards.
38.Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education Duration:Accident and Safety,First-aid ,Basic provisions on safety and Health.
39.Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education Duration:Environmental Issues,Environmental ethics,Disaster Management.
40.Essential skills for success:Building basic skills to navigate life and career. Self-Awareness, articulating personal values, Value-based decision making, Dilemma situations.
41.Essential skills for success:Identify sources and types of stress (positive / negative stress), Managing stress (long-term / short-term), Handling rejection and building resilience, Identify day wasters.
42.Labour Welfare Legislation:Benefits guaranteed under various acts- Factories Act, Apprenticeship Act, Employees State Insurance Act (ESI).
43.Labour Welfare Legislation:Payment Wages Act, Employees Provident Fund Act, The Workmen’s compensation Act, POSH. Interpret applicable labour and industrial laws.
44.Quality Management:Quality Concept and Consciousness,Concept of Quality Management (QMS) & PDCA ,Concept of ISO.
45.Preparation to the world of work:Career Plan,Basic Professional Skills.
46.Preparation to the world of work:Career Pathways,Search and apply for a job.
47.Customer Interaction / service:Greeting customers,Probing-understanding customer requirements.
48.Customer Interaction / service:Handling grievances,Relationship building with customers.
49.Customer Interaction / service:To identify the importance of probing.
50.Customer Interaction / service:Analyasis of whole topic.